RIMAN Tarek - The Camino within.
Année de parution: 2018
Anglais English en

(CreateSpace. 2018) : "We are never lost ; we are just not familiar yet". récit (en)

Publié le
16 décembre 2019
What can you do today to come more alive in all your tomorrows, no matter what ?Have you ever felt that what you do is a reflection of what you’ve been taught and not a true reflection of who you are ?Have you ever felt that you’ve fast-forwarded through life or have lived it on autopilot, just doing what’s expected of you ?If you were to leave all your successes and possessions behind to explore beyond your comfort zone, what would you find ? Trek along with Tarek on his pilgrimage of physical and emotional endurance, of blistered feet and broken bikes, of the meeting of unlikely souls and the generosity of some inspiring people he met along the way.In The Camino Within, Tarek Riman will take you on an adventure through 500 miles of the Camino leading you to many insightful revelations he picked up along the way and brought home with him to stay. Tarek will inspire you to intentionally and actively reflect on the stories you tell yourself so you can take your own personal Camino Within. He did this work by literally leaving everything behind ; comfort, material possessions, technology, employment and important relationships ! By breaking out of convention he contributed to his own personal growth, he’s able to provide key takeaways in every chapter to help inspire you to face your own personal challenges and aspirations. The Camino Within promises readers an engaging read that can give rise to adventures of the soul and a meaningful life. The book will help you, question your beliefs to understand once and for all, if they are truly yours, see how powerful and cleansing such a journey can be, and begin to uncover your own deep truths and lead you to discover who you truly are.This is a goodwill book. It’s a book to motivate and empower people to take their inner journey. In addition, the proceeds of this book are going to support various charities. The first 200 copies of the proceeds of this book went to the UNHCR to support refugees. Disclaimer : This is not a guide book.