HURLEY Michael - Tales from the Camino.
Année de parution: 2016
Anglais English en

(Ragbagger Press. 2016) : "getting lost and foud on the ancient Way of St. James". récit (en)

Publié le
30 décembre 2019
With his marriage in shambles and his future uncertain, author Michael Hurley sold everything he owned and boarded a plane for Europe. He had no plan other than to wander awhile and try to figure out what to do with the rest of his life. Quite unexpectedly, he soon found himself walking through France and Spain along the Camino—the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, the ancient Way of St. James. The ensuing journey of two months and 530 miles, covered entirely on foot, changed his life forever. He recorded his experiences and epiphanies each day as he walked, and he shares them now with the world in Tales from the Camino. Written with honesty, reverence, humor, and wonder, these stories will lighten the load and lift the spirit of every pilgrim who follows in Hurley’s footsteps.