BARRERA Jeffery - A survival guide to the Portuguese Camino in Galicia.
Année de parution: 2018
Langue: Anglais English en
(CreateSpace. 2018) : "Information about the Portuguese Way in Galicia". guide (en)
Publié le
2 janvier 2020
Revised and updated for 2019. The only Camino guidebook written by a person who works as a guide on the Camino and who gets to walk regularly to Santiago de Compostela. A Survival Guide to the Portuguese Camino in Galicia will not only provide you with simple, concise and to-the-point information about the route you are following, but will also help you understand and appreciate Spanish idiosyncrasy, which is usually the most intriguing, and at times frustrating, part of a trip for travellers. This is also a guidebook that provides insider insight and information about the Camino ; information on where you are walking, why you are looking at things and how to make the most of your experience ; all that stuff that is not readily available to travellers from abroad. In a nutshell, this is a guidebook written by a Spanish pilgrim for pilgrims from abroad. Please note that this guidebook only covers the last section of the Portuguese Camino, the part that crosses Galicia in Spain.
It does NOT cover any of the stages in Portugal..